Weiler Atherton Polygon Clipping Algorithm in Python

Weiler Atherton Polygon Clipping Algorithm cover image

The Weiler–Atherton algorithm is a polygon-clipping method. It is useful in fields where polygon clipping is required, such as computer graphics and game development.

Read Cohen Sutherland line clipping algorithm in Python and Liang Barsky line clipping algorithm in Python.

The Weiler–Atherton algorithm

A and B polygon for Weiler Atherton algorithm. src-Wikipedia

weiler atherton algorithm

weiler atherton algorithm

Python code for Weiler Atherton Polygon Clipping Algorithm

import PIL.ImageDraw as ID, PIL.Image as Image

# im will show the two polygons overlapping
# im1 will show the clipped path between two polygons
im = Image.new("RGB", (500,500))
im1= Image.new("RGB", (500,500))
draw = ID.Draw(im)
draw.polygon((162, 110, 388, 19, 386, 103, 162, 247), outline = 255)
draw2.polygon((162, 110, 388, 19, 386, 103, 162, 247), outline = 255)
draw.polygon((242, 78, 480, 77, 480, 289, 242, 289), outline = 'green')

# A line is a connected path between two points
# point1(x1, y1) and point2(x2, y2)
def draw1(x1, y1, x2, y2):

# every vertex has two dimension (x and y)
# Vertex or line initialization
class baseVertex:
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y

class Vertex(baseVertex):
def __init__(self, x, y, next = None):
super(Vertex, self).__init__(x, y)
self.next = next

# initialization of Intersection vertex
class Intersection(baseVertex):
def __init__(self, x, y, nextS = None, nextC = None, crossDi = -1):
super(Intersection, self).__init__(x, y)
self.nextS = nextS
self.nextC = nextC
self.crossDi = crossDi
self.used = False

# Handling the float values
def floatEqual(f1, f2):
prec = 1e-5
if abs(f1 - f2) < prec:
return True
return False

# Handling the big float values
def floatLarger(f1, f2):
if floatEqual(f1, f2):
return False
elif f1 > f2:
return True
return False

# checking if the vertex polygon or not
def isVertexInPolygon(v, list):
judgeIndex = 0
for i in range(len(list)):
j = i + 1
minY = min(list[i % len(list)].y, list[j % len(list)].y)
maxY = max(list[i % len(list)].y, list[j % len(list)].y)
if floatLarger(v.y, maxY) or floatLarger(minY, v.y):
if floatEqual(maxY, minY):
if floatLarger(v.x, max(list[i % len(list)].x, list[j % len(list)].x)):
judgeIndex += 1
elif floatLarger(min(list[i % len(list)].x, list[j % len(list)].x), v.x):
return True
x = (list[i % len(list)].x - list[j % len(list)].x) / (list[i % len(list)].y - list[j % len(list)].y) * (v.y - list[i % len(list)].y) + list[i % len(list)].x
if(floatEqual(v.x, x)):
return None
if floatLarger(v.x, x):
judgeIndex += 1
if judgeIndex % 2 != 0:
return True
return False

def getX(v):
return v.x
def getY(v):
return v.y

def LineCrossH(y, c1, c2):
return c1.x + (c2.x - c1.x) * (y - c1.y) / (c2.y - c1.y)
def LineCrossV(x, c1, c2):
return c1.y + (c2.y - c1.y) * (x - c1.x) / (c2.x - c1.x)

def CutByVerticalLine(s1, s2, list):
assert floatEqual(s1.x, s2.x)
crossXs = []
x = s1.x

shearedList = [Vertex(r.x, r.y) for r in list]

minY = min(s1.y, s2.y)
maxY = max(s1.y, s2.y)

for i in range(len(list)):
vertex = list[i]
c1 = shearedList[i % len(list)]
c2 = shearedList[(i + 1) % len(list)]

if(floatEqual(c1.x, c2.x) and floatEqual(c1.x, x)):
if(floatLarger(c1.x, x) and floatLarger(c2.x, x)):
if(floatLarger(x, c1.x) and floatLarger(x, c2.x)):

y = float('%.9f' % LineCrossV(x, c1, c2))

inters = Intersection(x, y)

next = None
if((floatLarger(y, minY) and floatLarger(maxY, y))
or (c2.y == y and x == s2.x)
or (c1.y == y and x == s1.x)
or (floatEqual(c2.x, x) and floatEqual(y, s1.y))
or (floatEqual(c1.x, x) and floatEqual(y, s2.y))
or (floatEqual(y, minY) and (not floatEqual(c1.x, x)) and (not floatEqual(c2.x, x)))
or (floatEqual(y, maxY) and (not floatEqual(c1.x, x)) and (not floatEqual(c2.x, x)))):
while not ((isinstance(vertex, Vertex) and isinstance(vertex.next, Vertex)) or (isinstance(vertex, Intersection) and isinstance(vertex.nextS, Vertex))):
if isinstance(vertex, Vertex):
assert isinstance(vertex.next, Intersection)
if (floatLarger(c2.x, c1.x) and floatLarger(vertex.next.x, inters.x)) or (floatLarger(c1.x, c2.x) and floatLarger(inters.x, vertex.next.x)):
vertex = vertex.next
assert isinstance(vertex.nextS, Intersection)
if (floatLarger(c2.x, c1.x) and floatLarger(vertex.nextS.x, inters.x)) or (floatLarger(c1.x, c2.x) and floatLarger(inters.x, vertex.nextS.x)):
vertex = vertex.nextS
if isinstance(vertex, Vertex):
next = vertex.next
next = vertex.nextS
if isinstance(vertex, Vertex):
vertex.next = inters
assert isinstance(vertex, Intersection)
vertex.nextS = inters
inters.nextS = next
if floatEqual(c1.x, x):
assert not floatEqual(c2.x, x)
if floatLarger(c2.x, x):
inters.crossDi = 0
inters.crossDi = 1
elif floatLarger(c1.x, x):
inters.crossDi = 1
inters.crossDi = 0
if floatLarger(s2.y, s1.y):
inters.crossDi = 0 if inters.crossDi == 1 else 1

print("s1:%s, s2:%s, c1:%s, c2:%s, inter:%s, crossDi:%s" % (("%f, %f" % (s1.x, s1.y)), ("%f, %f" % (s2.x, s2.y)), ("%f, %f" % (c1.x, c1.y)), ("%f, %f" % (c2.x, c2.y)), ("%f, %f" % (inters.x, inters.y)), ("%s" % ("in" if inters.crossDi == 0 else "out"))))
return crossXs

def CutByLine(s1, s2, list):
print("s1 = %s, s2 = %s" % (("%f, %f" % (s1.x, s1.y)), ("%f, %f" % (s2.x, s2.y))))

if floatEqual(s1.x, s2.x):
return CutByVerticalLine(s1, s2, list)
crossXs = []

slope = (s2.y - s1.y) / (s1.x - s2.x)
y = s1.x * slope + s1.y
shearedList = [Vertex(r.x, r.x * slope + r.y) for r in list]

minX = min(s1.x, s2.x)
maxX = max(s1.x, s2.x)

for i in range(len(list)):
vertex = list[i]
c1 = shearedList[i % len(list)]
c2 = shearedList[(i + 1) % len(list)]
print("c1 = %s, c2 = %s" % (("%f, %f" % (c1.x, c1.y - c1.x * slope)), ("%f, %f" % (c2.x, c2.y - c2.x * slope))))

if(floatEqual(c1.y, c2.y) and floatEqual(c1.y, y)):
if(floatLarger(c1.y, y) and floatLarger(c2.y, y)):
if(floatLarger(y, c1.y) and floatLarger(y, c2.y)):

x = float('%.9f' % LineCrossH(y, c1, c2))
npy = y - x * slope
inters = Intersection(x, npy)

next = None
if((floatLarger(x, minX) and floatLarger(maxX, x))
or (c2.y == y and x == s2.x)
or (c1.y == y and x == s1.x)
or (floatEqual(c2.y, y) and floatEqual(x, s1.x))
or (floatEqual(c1.y, y) and floatEqual(x, s2.x))
or (floatEqual(x, minX) and (not floatEqual(c1.y, y)) and (not floatEqual(c2.y, y)))
or (floatEqual(x, maxX) and (not floatEqual(c1.y, y)) and (not floatEqual(c2.y, y)))):
while not ((isinstance(vertex, Vertex) and isinstance(vertex.next, Vertex)) or (isinstance(vertex, Intersection) and isinstance(vertex.nextS, Vertex))):
if isinstance(vertex, Vertex):
assert isinstance(vertex.next, Intersection)
if (floatLarger(c2.x, c1.x) and floatLarger(vertex.next.x, inters.x)) \
or (floatLarger(c1.x, c2.x) and floatLarger(inters.x, vertex.next.x))\
or (floatLarger(c1.y - c1.x * slope, c2.y - c2.x * slope) and floatLarger(inters.y, vertex.next.y))\
or (floatLarger(c2.y - c2.x * slope, c1.y - c1.x * slope) and floatLarger(vertex.next.y, inters.y)):
vertex = vertex.next
assert isinstance(vertex.nextS, Intersection)
if (floatLarger(c2.x, c1.x) and floatLarger(vertex.nextS.x, inters.x))\
or (floatLarger(c1.x, c2.x) and floatLarger(inters.x, vertex.nextS.x))\
or (floatLarger(c2.y - c2.x * slope, c1.y - c1.x * slope) and floatLarger(inters.y, vertex.nextS.y))\
or (floatLarger(c2.y - c2.x * slope, c1.y - c1.x * slope) and floatLarger(vertex.nextS.y, inters.y)):
vertex = vertex.nextS
if isinstance(vertex, Vertex):
next = vertex.next
next = vertex.nextS
if isinstance(vertex, Vertex):
vertex.next = inters
assert isinstance(vertex, Intersection)
vertex.nextS = inters
inters.nextS = next
if floatEqual(c1.y, y):
assert not floatEqual(c2.y, y)
if floatLarger(y, c2.y):
inters.crossDi = 0
inters.crossDi = 1
elif floatLarger(y, c1.y):
inters.crossDi = 1
inters.crossDi = 0

if floatLarger(s2.x, s1.x):
inters.crossDi = 0 if inters.crossDi == 1 else 1

print("s1:%s, s2:%s, c1:%s, c2:%s, inter:%s, crossDi:%s" % (("%f, %f" % (s1.x, s1.y)), ("%f, %f" % (s2.x, s2.y)), ("%f, %f" % (c1.x, c1.y - c1.x * slope)), ("%f, %f" % (c2.x, c2.y - c2.x * slope)), ("%f, %f" % (inters.x, inters.y)), ("%s" % ("in" if inters.crossDi == 0 else "out"))))

return crossXs

def processNoCross(listS, listC):
sInC = isVertexInPolygon(listS[0], listC)
if sInC:
return listS
cInS = isVertexInPolygon(listC[0], listS)
if cInS:
return listC
return []

def printList(start, isS):
assert isinstance(start, Vertex)
next = start.next
if isS:
print("List of polygon1 shape: ")
print(str(start.x) + "," + str(start.y))
while next != start:
print(str(next.x) + "," + str(next.y))
if isinstance(next, Vertex):
next = next.next
assert isinstance(next, Intersection)
next = next.nextS
print("List of polygon1 shape: ")
print(str(start.x) + "," + str(start.y))
while next != start:
print(str(next.x) + "," + str(
if isinstance(next, Vertex):
next = next.next
assert isinstance(next, Intersection)
next = next.nextC

def Compose(list):
result = []
for inters in list:
assert isinstance(inters, Intersection)
if(not inters.used) and inters.crossDi == 0:
oneResult = []
oneResult.append(Vertex(inters.x, inters.y))
inters.used = True
loopvar = inters.nextS
print("--------------------" + str(inters.x) + "," + str(inters.y))
while loopvar != None:
print(str(loopvar.x) + "," + str(loopvar.y))
oneResult.append(Vertex(loopvar.x, loopvar.y))
if isinstance(loopvar, Intersection):
curr = loopvar
curr.used = True
next = curr.nextS if curr.crossDi == 0 else curr.nextC
elif isinstance(loopvar, Vertex):
curr = loopvar
next = curr.next
if next is inters:
loopvar = next
for vertexs in result:
for i in range(len(vertexs)):
if i >= len(vertexs):
u = vertexs[i % len(vertexs)]
v = vertexs[(i + 1) % len(vertexs)]
if(floatEqual(u.x, v.x) and floatEqual(u.y, v.y)):
i -= 1
return result

def decode(lists):
results = []
for list in lists:
result = ""
for v in list:
result += "%f %f " % (v.x, v.y)
result = result.strip()
return results

def encode(Str):
myList = []
list_float = list(map(float, Str.strip().split()))
X = list_float[0::2]
Y = list_float[1::2]
assert len(X) == len(Y)
for i in range(len(X)):
if (not floatEqual(X[i], X[i - 1])) or (not floatEqual(Y[i], Y[i - 1])):
myList.append(Vertex(X[i], Y[i]))
return myList

def transDirect(list):
newList = []
for i in range(len(list)):
newList.append(list[len(list) - 1 - i])
return newList

def toClockwise(list):
maxX = -1
mark_i = -1

for i in range(len(list)):
if list[i].x > maxX:
maxX = list[i].x
mark_i = i
v1 = Vertex(list[mark_i].x - list[mark_i - 1].x, list[mark_i].y - list[mark_i - 1].y)
v2 = Vertex(list[(mark_i + 1) % len(list)].x - list[mark_i].x, list[(mark_i + 1) % len(list)].y - list[mark_i].y)
crossPr = v1.x * v2.y - v2.x * v1.y
while floatEqual(crossPr, 0):
mark_i += 1
v2 = Vertex(list[(mark_i + 1) % len(list)].x - list[mark_i % len(list)].x,
list[(mark_i + 1) % len(list)].y - list[mark_i % len(list)].y)
crossPr = v1.x * v2.y - v2.x * v1.y
assert not floatEqual(crossPr, 0)
if crossPr < 0:
return transDirect(list)
return list

def PolyClipping(poly1, poly2, output_clockwise = True):
listS = encode(poly1)
listC = encode(poly2)
listS = toClockwise(listS)
listC = toClockwise(listC)
listI = []

for i in range(len(listS)):
listS[i - 1].next = listS[i]
for i in range(len(listC)):
listC[i - 1].next = listC[i]

for cutStartIdx in range(len(listC)):
s1 = listC[cutStartIdx]
s2 = listC[(cutStartIdx + 1) % len(listC)]

inters = CutByLine(s1, s2, listS)
if len(inters) == 0:

if floatEqual(s1.x, s2.x):
assert not floatEqual(s1.y, s2.y)
if floatLarger(s2.y, s1.y):
inters.sort(key=getY, reverse=True)
elif floatLarger(s2.x, s1.x):
inters.sort(key=getX, reverse=True)

for v in inters:

s1.next = inters[0]
for i in range(len(inters) - 1):
inters[i].nextC = inters[i + 1]
inters[len(inters) - 1].nextC = s2

if len(listI) == 0:
return decode([processNoCross(listS, listC)])

printList(listS[0], True)
printList(listC[0], False)

results = Compose(listI)
if not output_clockwise:
results_ = []
for result in results:
result = transDirect(result)
results = results_
return decode(results)

if __name__ == '__main__':
poly1 = "240 76 480 75 480 287 240 287"
poly2 = "160 108 386 19 384 102 160 245"
point = PolyClipping(poly1, poly2)
points = point[0].split(' ')
print (points)
print (points[0])
i = 0
while i < 8:
if i == 6:
i = i + 2

im.save('Overlapping of two polygon.png')
im1.save('Clipped polygon result.png')

Output images

Overlapping of two polygons
Overlapping of two polygons

Clipped polygon result
Clipped polygon result

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