e, log, ln in Matlab | Example and Definition of e, log, ln

Introduction to 'e', 'log', and 'ln'

What is ‘e’: In a simple definition, when you want to express that something is rising rapidly by a significant quantity, use 'exponentially'. The 'e' means 'exponential'. In mathematics, the letter 'e' is employed to represent a specific quantity known as the exponential constant. The number e, often known as Euler's number, is a mathematical constant with a value of about 2.71828.

What is ‘log’:  The logarithm (means 'log') is the inverse function of exponential (means 'e' or 'exp') in mathematics. We can say that by an example, the logarithm of a given number 'a' is the exponent to which another fixed number, the base 'b', must be increased in order to get that number 'a'. The equation can be written as,

logb(ba) = a , here ‘b’ is the base of the logarithm.

What is ‘ln’: The 'ln' is called the natural logarithm.  The ln's is the logarithm to the base of the mathematical constant e, which is an irrational and transcendental integer roughly equal to 2.718281828459. The equation for the natural logarithm ‘ln’ is,

eln x = x

Where ‘ln’ is ‘natural logarithm’, ‘e’ is the ‘natural exponent’, and ‘x’ represents ‘a real number’.

How to write ‘e’, ‘log’, and ‘ln’ in Matlab?

matlab icon

It is so easy to write the ‘e’, ‘log’, and ‘ln’ in Matlab. We have to know the built-in function defined for the ‘e’, ‘log’, and ‘ln’ variables. The implementation function is,

e’ in Matlab is ‘exp()

log’ in Matlab is ‘log()

And for ‘ln’ in Matlab is ‘log()(In matlab , log(x) means ln(x))


Examples of ‘e’, ‘log’, and ‘ln’ in Matlab


How to write ‘log e 10’ in Matlab?

Ans: log(exp(10))


How to write ‘log10 2’ in Matlab?

Ans: log10(2)

How to write ‘log2 5’ in Matlab?

Ans: log2(5)

Implementation of an equation in Matlab?

We just learn to write ‘log’, ‘e’, and ‘ln’ variables in Matlab. Now, it will be more clear if we implement an equation related to those variables. An equation has been given below and it is needed to implement in the Matlab language. The equation is,

(100 e2xy log(cos(2xy)3)) - 100

I know this is looking tough. But, it is too easy to implement in Matlab. We have to be more careful when we put the parentheses for the equation in Matlab.

We can write the ‘ e-2xy ‘ to ‘exp(2*x*y) in Matlab.

From ‘ cos(2xy)3 ‘ to ‘ cos(2*x*y).^3) ’ in Matlab.

Then, ‘ log(cos(2xy)3) ‘ to ‘ log(cos(2*x*y).^3) ‘ in Matlab.

Now, time to merge all of them in one and it will be look like below.


Now, you are thinking that how will I print it. Simply, put the variable's value in a variable ‘a’. And then print it and also give values for the ‘x’ and ‘y’ variables.



a = (100*exp(2*x*y)*log(cos(2*x*y).^3))-100;

fprintf('ans: %.2f',a)


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