LU Decomposition Matlab - LU Factorization Matlab Code

What is LU Decomposition: LU Decomposition (Acronym of Lower-upper Decomposition): In 1948, Alan Turing was the man to introduce the LU Decomposition method to the world. It is a factorization process to convert a given square shape matrix into two triangular matrices (L- Lower triangular and U- Upper triangular matrix). 

Application of LU Decomposition:

  1. This process is used to finding current in a circuit.
  2. To find the inverse of a matrix.
  3. To find the determinant of a matrix.

LU Decomposition or Factorization Matlab Code:


GMat=[25 5 1 

      64 8 1

      144 12 1]




for i=1:shape(2)-1 

    for j=i+1:shape(1)









The above Matlab code is implemented according to the theory of LU Decomposition.

Matrix for LU

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