Define database management system (DBMS) and Examples of DBMS

Define database management system (DBMS) 

database management system (DBMS) is a collection of interconnected data and a set of applications that allow you to access that data. Examples of database management systems with database keywords will be discussed in this post.

DBMS is the collection of table information in a well-structured manner of an enterprise.

The database is a collection of data that provides information useful to an organization which maintained in a well-structured.

The data can be defined as information of something in an organized way.

The management system in DBMS represents that the data of a database is managed efficiently and systematically.

A DBMS's primary purpose is to provide a convenient and efficient method of storing and retrieving database information.

A database management system for a school
Fig. 01: A database management system for a school.

Database systems are intended to manage massive amounts of data. Data management includes both creating structures for information storage and offering tools for information modification. Furthermore, the database system must assure the security of the information saved, even if the system crashes or unauthorized access attempts are made. If data is to be shared across several users, the system must avoid potentially abnormal outcomes. Because information is so necessary. 

Examples of the database management systems

Everything on the web is maintained by the database system. There are huge examples of the database. You are reading my post, and the post is saved in a database system. When you enter this site, a program of this site retrieves the information of this post from a database in a convenient way. Some examples of the database management system are discussed below.

1. Student management system: For a school/college/university, there are students with information. The management committee needs to store their information for id cards or most important for their result publication. The institution management committee needs to publish the students' information on the web. And for this, the committee must make a well-organized database to store their information.

A brief view of the student management system
Fig. 02: A brief view of the student management system

2. Teacher management system: As the student management system, the teacher management system is the same. Teachers' personal information and other information like given course, everyday present, salary, etc. need to be stored in a database to make the system more dynamic.

A brief view of the teacher management system
Fig. 03: A brief view of the teacher management system 

3. Bank management system: A bank needs to store the customer information and most importantly store the customer transaction of every second. Their staff and other workers need to be listed in an organized way. And for this, the database management system is crucial.

4. Online retailers: This is one of the most common examples of database management systems in the current world. The online retailer system makes the business system more easily. Online customer registration, Online transaction, online customer review, online transaction audit, etc. are listed in a database.

5. Airline's database: Reservations and scheduling information can be found here. Airlines were among the first to adopt regionally dispersed databases.

6. Telecommunication database: The database is important in this section for keeping track of phone calls, creating monthly bills, managing prepaid calling card balances, and storing information about communication networks. 

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